
We provide sealing solutions for a variety of markets, including:


The automotive industry: we provide sealing solutions for engines, gearboxes, suspensions, and other automotive applications.

The oil and gas industry: we provide sealing solutions for pumps, compressors, valves, and other equipment used in oil and gas exploration and production.

The food and pharmaceutical industry: we provide sealing solutions for food and pharmaceutical processing equipment.

The maritime industry: we provide sealing solutions for ships, offshore platforms, and other marine equipment.

The mining industry: we provide sealing solutions for mining processing equipment, conveyors, pumps, and other mining applications.

The electrical industry: we provide sealing solutions for transformers, generators, and other electrical equipment.

The plastic injection industry: we provide sealing solutions for plastic injection machines, molds, and other equipment.

The cement industry: we provide sealing solutions for equipment used in cement production plants, such as grinders, bucket elevators, and conveyor belts.

The agricultural industry: we provide sealing solutions for equipment used in agricultural operations, such as crop processing machines and irrigation equipment.

The handling industry: we provide sealing solutions for handling equipment, such as conveyor belts and bucket elevators.

The construction industry: we provide sealing solutions for equipment used in construction, such as concrete pumps and drilling machines.

Call us !

+212 669 958 333
+212 522 409 770
+212 522 409 771



18 , Rue RocRoy - BD Emile Zola - BELVEDERE - CASABLANCA

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Notre Catalogue


 : 18, Rue Rocroy, Emile Zola, Casablanca

: GSM : 0669 95 83 33

: FIX : 0522 40 97 70

: FAX : 0522 40 97 71


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